6th March 23
Economics is a popular subject at DLD College and the challenge is to provide meaningful ways to make the subject more accessible to students. Recent events around the world have meant that there is always something new to talk about. Economics teachers like to encourage their students to develop their analysis skills by allowing students to debate key events in class. Other ways in which the department has supported students have included inviting noted author and lecturer, Ian Marcouse, to give a study skills workshop to students. The students found the sessions to be insightful and engaging as it gave them a better understanding of how they can achieve higher grades. This week, a group of students went to the Bank of England. The highlight for many was lifting a bar of gold!
As we approach exam season, Year 13 and IFP students are well into their exam preparation. Many have received university offers and now are working towards achieving and exceeding those predicted grades. We wish them all the best of luck
Fumi St Marthe, Housemistress Piccadilly and Head of Economics