One Year GCSE Programme

Leading to 6 or 7 GCSEs, this one year GCSE programme is intended for students who already have a strong basis of previous study and are able to cope with an intensive year.

This one year GCSE programme consists of core English, Maths and the three sciences.  Students must then select one additional subject to complete their programme. English Language students have the extra option of adding English Literature allowing a maximum 7 GCSEs to be studied in one year.

Core GCSEs

A core set of GCSEs are offered to enable access to higher levels of study and to provide a solid foundation of knowledge.  Click on the links below to learn more about each GCSE subject.

Optional Subjects

Students are asked to select one additional subject from either GCSE Art or GCSE Graphic Communication to complete their programme.

Additional GCSE

English Language students have the extra option of adding English Literature GCSE allowing a maximum of 7 GCSEs to be studied in one year. Please note this option is not available to students studying IELTS.

One Year Subjects Table


One Year GCSE Programme 2025/26 Number of GCSEs

(or equivalent)

Compulsory Subjects

GCSE Mathematics 1
GCSE English Language

(or IELTS for international students who require this qualification)

GCSE Business 1
GCSE Double Science 2
Optional Subjects

(select 1)



GCSE Graphic Communication

Additional Subjects


GCSE English Literature

(NB for English language students only, not IELTs)

Maximum number of GCSEs or equivalent 7
  Personal, Social, Health & Economic (PSHE) Education 1 period per week
Study Skills 1 period per week
Sport 3 periods per week

Sample Timetable

One Year Programme – Sample Timetable

Reg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CCA
Mon Registration Maths Maths Break Physics Physics English/Acad.Eng English/Acad.Eng Lunch Chemistry Chemistry PSHE Business Co-Curricular Activities
Tue PSHE Chemistry  Business  Business English/Acad.Eng English/Acad.Eng Art Chemistry Art Art
Wed English/Acad.Eng English/Acad.Eng Art Art Chemistry Chemistry Business English/Acad.Eng English/Acad.Eng Business
Thu Physics Physics Maths Maths Business BBusiness Art Maths Physics Physics
Fri Chemistry Chemistry Physics Physics Art Art Business Sport Sport Sport

Entry Requirements

All students are interviewed at DLD College London by a member of the Academic Team who will assess a student’s suitability for the course and the options chosen.

Previous school history is considered with a review of academic reports and reference.

International students will need band 5.0 for the one year GCSE programme.