BTECs are specialist qualifications that are an alternative to traditional courses such as A Levels and GCSEs. They provide a more practical, real-world approach to learning alongside a key theoretical background.

Sixth Form (Years 12 & 13)

DLD College London offers BTEC Nationals qualifications for age 16+ which are equivalent to three A Levels (BTEC Diploma) in the following subjects:

  1. Business
  2. Creative Digital Media Production

The BTEC qualifications are recognised by 100 countries worldwide and our graduates have gone on to study in Monaco, Chicago and some of the best universities in the UK including a number of Russell Group Universities such as Bristol, Exeter, Liverpool, Nottingham and Sheffield.

Our BTEC results are outstanding with a 100% pass rate for several years in a row – full details here.

Upper School (Years 10 & 11)

As part of the Upper School curriculum, students will study a combination of GCSEs and BTECs. The BTEC Tech Awards and Level 2 Skills, are for ages 14 to 16 and equivalent to one GCSE. They have been designed to be taught alongside GCSEs, giving students a glimpse into a professional sector whilst teaching them transferable skills for life.

Like GCSEs, the Level 2 BTECs allow students to progress onto A Level or BTEC pathways. At DLD we currently offer the following Level 2 BTEC qualifications:

  1. Esports
  2. Sport

Further details on BTEC Awards can be found here.


What is a BTEC?

BTECs are a specialist qualification that are an alternative to A Levels and GCSEs providing students with a unique and individualised education. This allows DLD to meet the needs of individual students and provide them with a practical, hands-on experience while maintaining essential subject theory.

DLD College London offers BTECs as part of the Sixth Form and Upper School curriculum. The BTEC qualifications that are part of the Sixth Form are the equivalent to either three A Levels (Diploma) or just one A Level (Certificate).  And at Upper School we offer four different Level 2 BTECs each equivalent to one GCSE.

At Level 3, they are accepted by 95% of UK universities and recognised by 100 countries worldwide. DLD graduates have gone on to study at some of the best universities in the UK including Russell Group universities such as Bristol, Exeter, Liverpool, Nottingham, Sheffield and London based universities such as City University and Goldsmiths as well as internationally in Monaco and Chicago.

A number of our Media students have, and are attending, university courses endorsed by Screen Skills, an organisation dedicated to developing the skills and talent of those wishing to enter the different media sectors.

Nowadays over a quarter of students accepted into higher education have at least one BTEC and a third of all students are accepted having solely studied BTEC programmes.


BTECs offer students a variety of assessment methods which allows them to build on their strengths. Each course provides students with a mix of project-based assessments which typically involve employer links, as well as written tests, online assessments and examinations.

BTECs have grown in popularity in recent years because they allow students to express their understanding practically, as well as theoretically.

We are incredibly proud of our links with employers. Our BTEC students have recently worked with the British Film Institute (BFI) and Harrods. This opportunity to engage with real world employers is an element that separates BTEC courses from traditional study. It provides students with an insight into the real world and prepares them for university and employment alike.


At DLD students have enjoyed great success in their BTECs. One factor in this success is that the qualifications allow us to tailor the curriculum towards how students best understand each subject.

BTECs offer students choice and opportunity, as they offer students new and exciting learning opportunities that tap into their individual interests.

Our BTEC qualifications allow us to meet the needs of individual students and provide them with practical, hands-on experience while maintaining essential subject theory.

BTECs can be taken alongside, or in place of, GCSEs and A Levels – providing a truly tailored set of subjects for each student. BTEC students are tested throughout the course using a variety of assessment modes based on real-life scenarios.

This practical approach allows BTEC learners to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours to succeed in their chosen pathway to university, apprenticeships and into their careers.

Preparing students for the future

BTEC, at Level 3, helps students progress to university and a career. We support our students every step of the way, so they are able to reach their goals, whatever pathway they choose. For students wishing to progress to university, BTECs qualify for UCAS points towards university application in the same way as A Levels, and can be taken as a standalone full-time programme, or alongside A levels. BTECs open new doors to many different, rewarding career paths. We have sent students that were on a solely BTEC programme to universities such as UCL, Bristol, Westminster, Goldsmiths and London School of Economics.

The qualifications are structured to prepare students for their future careers by placing great value on independent learning, problem-solving and communication, all skills a BTEC qualified learner can demonstrate.

  • BTEC, we think fits modern employment practices as continued assessment in terms of preparing them for working habits in the future and future courses
  • The coursework-based structure suits students whose learning style benefits from ongoing assessment, rather than a final exam at the end of the course.

DLD understands that offering a broad and balanced curriculum can help students progress and achieve their goals.

At Upper School, when students choose their subjects, we believe that studying BTECs alongside GCSEs not only opens up new subject areas but equips students with the skills that they will use throughout their future studies. Achieving a Level 2 will open options to study BTEC Nationals and A Levels at Level 3.


To be eligible to apply for a BTEC Extended Diploma or Certificate course at DLD, students must have at least 5 GCSEs at C (Grade 4) or above including Maths and English.

International students need to have a minimum of 5.5 IELTS equivalent level (with no component less than 5.0) and will need to take Maths GCSE and IELTS alongside the BTEC course.

Admission is also dependent on interview and previous academic achievements.

For a BTEC Award in the Upper School (Years 10 & 11), admission is by interview and school report. International students also require IELTS Level 4.5.




Our BTEC students achieve outstanding results with 100% pass rates year on year – full details here



Both our teachers and students have been presented with national awards in recognition of their excellence.

In 2016, Media Production tutor John Branney was presented with the ‘Most Inspirational Teacher Award’ at the Shine Awards. In 2017, our BTEC Creative Digital Media Production students were presented with the ‘Showstopper Challenge Award’ by the exam board Pearson.


The reason we have enjoyed such great success in our BTEC offering is because the qualifications allow us to tailor the curriculum towards how our students best understand each subject. We can choose assessment methods and we have a robust process where we use student feedback to review and revise the qualifications each year. This ensures we create courses that students are excited about and motivated to learn.

If you are wondering whether a BTEC is right for you, read more about in our blog on BTECs versus A Levels here.

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Tuition fees range from £19,850 to £31,000 pa.

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