7th October 22
Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
As Heads of School, we are privileged to write to you this week and briefly update you on exciting events at DLD!
Recently we spoke to prospective families at our Open Day last Thursday. We were grateful for this opportunity as we were able to express our love for the college and share our DLD experiences. All our subject departments were on full display as well as the new and innovative Esports room which looks outstanding! There was also an opportunity to showcase the variety of co-curricular activities, giving an exclusive insight to what DLD has to offer for students. A special mention to Irfan for his brilliant speech and all staff during the evening for their contribution. Also, a special thanks goes to the Admissions & Marketing team, for all their hard work in organising the evening.
As we head towards the last week until half term, the Student Council continue to work hard for all students. The following provides a quick update on our current plans.
After a very productive meeting, the Student Council’s Academic team have been working hard on planning A Level taster sessions for the Upper School students. This is a perfect opportunity for Upper School students to grasp an idea of what it is like as an A Level student studying the subject. As a result, we hope to ensure Upper School students can make better-informed decisions about their subject choices as they progress to Sixth Form.
The Wellbeing team have been working closely with Head of Wellbeing Myles Blair, proposing initiatives like drop-in sessions to offer students support and to embrace our key values of kindness, respect and tolerance. This will be implemented at the start of the next half term so it is indeed something to look forward to!
The Charity team have been working hard on organising fundraising events that will happen across the academic year. They have been looking to diversify the events ranging from bake sales to charity walks and are looking to fundraise money for education inequality which will be set up soon!
The Digital Innovator Representative has been working closely on modernising the fundraising system to ensure that we have an efficient way of fundraising when it comes to events like bake sales!
In readiness for October, the Diversity and Inclusion representative has been working closely with Fumi on organising events and displays to spread awareness for Black History Month. It is great to see the Student Council interacting with teachers.
The Events team have been long-term planning the Christmas party. Last year was a great success and it is a unique opportunity for everyone, both boarders and day students, to come together and be festive! They also have been working closely on organising a video to get to know the Student Council members a bit more such as the best restaurants in London and our diverse set of nationalities. Look forward to a cool yet informative video coming out soon!
We hope to put these ideas into practice so when we come back after half term, keep your eyes on the current events taking place! Look to hearing from us soon and please approach us if you have any interesting ideas that you would like us to introduce. Have a great weekend!
Kind regards,
Giovanna and Ishaan
Heads of School