The River Thames outside DLD College London


From The Principal #201

1st February 24

Dear Parents and Guardians, As another busy week comes to an end, including a second week of BTEC examinations, the wintery January weather seems to be edging closer to Spring,…

Anti-Bullying Week 2023

15th November 23

As part of Anti-Bullying Week we were proud to welcome to the school Alex Holmes OBE who gave a very intimate presentation on his own journey. Bullied at school himself, Alex…

PSHE Morning – Guest Speakers Deana Puccio and Dr Leroy Logan

22nd February 23

Tuesday morning saw the launch of our inaugural PSHE morning. We welcomed two high profile speakers to talk to the students on some key social issues. Deana Puccio, co-founder of…

From The Principal #170

3rd February 23

The Spring term has continued this week with a packed schedule as ever. IFP and BTEC students are settling back into coursework following the exams of December and January. Meanwhile…