3rd February 21
It was very sad to read this week of the death of Captain Tom. I stayed at DLD College through the first lockdown, where we received thousands of rainbow posters for the NHS and he made the news for his amazing fundraising efforts. He was clearly an inspirational person, raising so much money at nearly 100 years old! Other people sent us pictures they had drawn and painted of him, and these take pride of place in our Global Kitchen, so they serve as a daily reminder of someone who put others before himself. We feel sad for his family, but are pleased to have had the chance to be part of his story last year. I’m sure we all hope to be able to live up to just a small part of what he achieved last summer.
Lorenzo, Year 13 student
To read more about the International Gallery click here
To read more about the Rainbow Posters display for NHS Nightingale click here