The River Thames outside DLD College London

Tag: computer science

IFP students celebrate their success

24th June 24

Our IFP (international Foundation programme) students are celebrating their results this week with a 100% pass rate. Over a third of them achieved a Distinction and a third of them…

Computer Science Alumni discusses her time at DLD College London

4th July 23

DLD College London Alumni Tia Nasir discusses how her invaluable DLD experience prepared her for her current role as an Analyst at Goldman Sachs. Tia studied Computer Science, History and…

IFP Students celebrate their success

30th June 22

  Our IFP (international Foundation programme) students are celebrating their results this week.  Over a third of them achieved a Distinction and a third of them are now progressing to…

Bletchley Park Visit

29th June 22

DLD students had a field day at Bletchley Park, the secret codebreaking hub where Alan Turing and thousands of co-workers cracked messages of the German navy during WW2. Essential history…

Want a career in Computer Science? Top tips and the best A Level subjects to choose.

10th February 22

Why study A Levels for Computer Science? The UK was the birthplace of not only the first modern computer but the world’s first Computer Science degree, in 1962 at the…