13th March 19
DLD College London marked the official opening of our new library this week on World Book Day on the 7th March. The guest of honour Philip Marshall, the Director of the London Library, cut the ribbon and announced the library to be officially open.
Philip gave an address to students and staff alike about the important role libraries play in the cultural life of a country before presenting Anna, a Year 12 student, with annual membership of the London Library. This was in recognition of her outstanding academic progress in English, Classical Civilization and History of Art.
We also welcomed back Russell Frost who runs his own letterpress print and design company, Hooksmith Press, based in the east end of London. Throughout the morning, Russell was stationed in the impressive atrium where he demonstrated to students how to hand-set typeface, roll on ink and operate the press. Many students (and some members of staff) went home with beautiful letterpress prints.