26th May 23
It’s almost unfathomable that we have reached the end of another half term, yet here we are preparing for some much-needed respite from the smorgasbord of exams that have permeated DLD over the last couple of weeks.
One focus during exam season is educating our students to understand the importance of balance when undergoing long revision periods. Last weekend, I was lucky enough to lead by example when I attended the Colour Obstacle Rush at Kempton Race Course, with a group of boarding students and some staff. As well as raising money for the incredible charity ‘Beyond Autism‘, it was enormous fun. We waded through inflatables filled with foam and battled valiantly around the 5K track to the finish line, where the students crossed looking most colourful and rather exhausted! It was a much-needed break and gave them a chance to forget about everything and just have fun for a day. Best of all – the sun was shining the whole time!
Before we know it, we will be packing up bedrooms and preparing for teary goodbyes, so I, for one, will be making the most of the half term holiday and enjoying all that the boarding house has to offer during the course of next week. In between revision I’m sure there will be time for a game or two of chess, some table tennis, a movie night and more than likely some karaoke! Good luck to the Duke of Edinburgh team who are off on their expedition next week too!
I wish you all a rest filled break and I look forward to welcoming the DLD College community back on Monday 5th June for our final half term.
Shirley Mitchell
Assistant Principal (Boarding and PSHE)