25th June 22
The penultimate week of the academic year has been one of mixed emotions: sadness at saying goodbye to the Class of ’22 but also joy at sharing in their success and being able to wish them well; frustration at the travel disruption but also pride in the resilience of students and staff making it in to college; and excitement, along with trepidation, at the thoughts brewing as students heard about universities, apprenticeships and much more in the wider world outside our doors – there has been much to reflect on!
Our final week is one of enrichment, both academic and house-based, as students enjoy their last week together before the long summer break. I would encourage all students to make the most of the learning opportunities coming their way, as well as wishing them well as houses battle each other during Thursday’s House Competition Day. Friday sees the end of term, with school finishing at 1pm (for boarders: the boarding house closes at 10am on Saturday 2nd July). As this is my last FTP of 21/22, may I take this opportunity to wish all families a wonderful summer.
Best wishes,
James Kidd
Senior Vice Principal & DSL