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Academic English update

11th November 21

This has been a busy term for students in the Academic English Department, beginning with getting to know their classmates and settling into their study routines, leading to the Milestone Tests running this week. The term will culminate in the first sitting of the IELTS exam on 4th December 2021, IELTS being the English language qualification required for entry to university.

As is usual practice, and an exercise thoroughly enjoyed by all involved, the term started with the traditional delivery of presentations by the students on their country of origin. This served not only to introduce students to each other, but also allowed us all a further insight into the wealth of cultures, customs, and traditions among the students. In line with the college values of Tolerance, Respect and Kindness, every member of the audience listened attentively and participated in the Q & A sessions at the end.

This week is Milestone Test week, an opportunity for the students to demonstrate the development of their language skills, and to gain experience in the different components of the IELTS exam. With four weeks until the first exam sitting (offsite), the students are working diligently both in class and independently by means of our VLE, Canvas.

The second and final sitting will be here at DLD, a British Council approved exam centre since March 2018.

Christalla Mavroudis-Head of Academic English