4th May 20
Last Friday night should have been DLD’s Prom Night, and rather than let the occasion go by completely, we decided to run an Awards Ceremony for boarders remaining at DLD College London. There remain 19 boarders in the building, who have all been amazing at sticking to the temporary rules and forming a tight family unit, so they all deserved an award for their fortitude, patience, perseverance and good humour during the crisis.
Awards included the boarders who were “most likely to have a stock of egg whites” and “most likely to develop a My Little Pony obsession“.
John Taylor, Assistant head (Boarding), had the privilege of presenting these honorable accolades by Zoom, with colleagues involved in boarding joining in on the call which was beamed to live to the Atrium screen wall for the boarders. Thanks also to Tom Hadcroft, Vice Principal (Pastoral) for joining John and Sasha in the effort of donning a bow tie for the occasion! Copious quanitities of pizza were delivered to boarders afterwards from their favourite Crust Brothers, near the Old Vic.
Most importantly this gave John an opportunity to thank the cleaning, catering and security teams, and of course the amazing boarding team for their hard work and selfless approach to keeping boarding running at DLD College London during this difficult period. We are all indebted to them.
Well done to everyone. Keep your spirits up, and keep going!