4th December 17
Here at DLD College London we have marked the national month of ‘Movember’, with a series of innovative events.
Students and staff have participated in the nationwide movement, raising much-needed funds and awareness for Movember which is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November, to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide. The college has exceeded its intended fundraising target of £500 raising £867 and still counting.
To kick-start the month, eleven members of male staff took part in ‘Shave the Date’. A local salon visited the college to give the participants a close shave, preparing them for the month ahead competing to grow the most impressive moustache. At the end of the month, staff and students gathered in the atrium to crown one of the ‘Mo Bro’s’ the winner. This was decided by whoever got the loudest applause. Congratulations to Paul, our security guard who was crowned the winner and presented with a bottle of champagne donated by the principal.
During the month 42 students and staff competed in a grueling cycling challenge. An exercise bike sat in prime place in the college reception area, where competitors determinedly rode for five minutes to see how far they could cycle. After a contribution to take part, the challengers overall aim was to determine the distance on a map that they could travel, which concluded with a distance of 59 miles. This distance takes us from the front doors of DLD College London to the front doors of Abbey College Cambridge.
Raising additional funds in front of a supportive crowd, competitive students challenged staff members to a charity football match held at Archbishops Park. The demanding game saw the students win, with a victory of 3-1.
Principal Rachel Borland commented: “It is inspiring to see the entire college coming together to generate important awareness and raise essential funds for such a worthy cause. Everyone has been incredibly competitive during the activities and we are delighted that we have exceeded our intended target of £500.”
Thank you to everyone for helping, supporting, donating and most of all for all the ‘Mo Bro’s’ who made this so special.