18th March 16
On Thursday 25th February, we were delighted to host the inaugural Faculty of Science lecture. Those who attended included students from DLD College London, parents, alumni and visitors from other schools. The title of the lecture was Facing the Future with Confidence.
Our guest speaker was Mr Jonathan Collier, a Consultant Oral & Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeon.
In his fascinating talk, he gave a description of his work, both here in the UK and abroad. He also emphasised how team work underpins what he does and showed us how science, engineering and advances in ICT all support developments in his work. We were able to see how his skills have changed peoples’ lives in very powerful ways. After a question and answer session, a vote of thanks was given by students, Kate Costanzi and Aaron Mir.
This was a superb evening and everyone who attended said how much they had enjoyed it. Mr Collier is an outstanding speaker and we extend our gratitude to him for his time.