The River Thames outside DLD College London

Coca Cola Factory Visit

20th November 14

BTEC Business Students visit the Cocoa Cola Factory

On the 19th November Business students from DLD College London attended a trip to the Coca Cola Factory in Edmonton. The trip was organised so that students could gain an insight into the different production processes used by the company, which then gave purpose to the production methods being learnt in class.

BTEC Business Students visit the Cocoa Cola Factory

While at the factory student were given a presentation on the background information of the company and how the company was marketed.

Students then were given a tour of the factory and warehouse, in which they seen a variety of production processes showing how efficient it makes the company. They were also shown the warehouse which is solely run by robots and scanners. These robots sort stock, organising into batches to be loaded and dispatched to customers.

BTEC Business Students visit the Cocoa Cola Factory