10th November 23
Dear Parents and Guardians,
“When you go home, tell them of us and say: For your tomorrow, we gave our today.”
Whilst much of my day is now spent on the daily running of the school, having started school life as a teacher of history and economics nothing sharpens the mind more than Remembrance, focusing on those who lost their lives in conflict, quickly reminding us that some face bigger concerns than our daily activities. As ever, a sombre occasion in the Atrium today, as we observed the two minutes’ silence and heard readings from students and staff. The moment also brings into focus that many of our students, or their families around the world, will be connected to conflict in some way today. We pride ourselves on being a community and recognising that whilst we have differences, we come together as one school. For those experiencing difficulties at this time, please do know we are always thinking of everyone and wishing peace for all.
Those that went before us meant for life to be lived, and in more positive news, it has been excellent to see our students doing just that – whether taking feedback from Monday’s parents’ evening, learning on Tuesday about the Movember charity initiative, getting stuck into their co-curricular activities or through engaging with external visitors, in this week to observe how the school is getting on, it has been good to see students taking the lead and being proactive in planning their own next steps. Time is flying by, and before we know it, examination seasons, coursework deadlines, and graduation will be upon us, but it is good, and right, that students seize the moments before, learn through living life to the full…all whilst balancing their studies to maximise their potential, of course!
Here’s to a busy few weeks this half term…and having the chance to do so.
James Kidd
Senior Vice Principal