24th February 23
For many of us at DLD, February has felt like an extremely busy month. Half term for most of the Year 13s and Year 11s was spent finishing coursework modules or revising for their upcoming mock examinations. I extend my congratulations to our Year 13 A level students, who will be apprehensively anticipating the results of those examinations next week. The focus now turns to our Year 11 students who have been busy revising this week in preparation for their own mocks. Putting into practise smart revision tactics, I hope they have watched many of their older peers and noticed the shift in focus and engagement required to make sure they achieve beyond their own expectations.
Over the half term break, though for some it was heads down and revision as the priority, for others it was an opportunity to relax and enjoy a well-deserved break. This included a fantastic trip for some of our boarders to Northern Ireland. Enjoying the sights of Belfast, the coast and some of the rich history surrounding the beautiful country.
As March begins, the preparation continues in our academic journeys. Year 11 students, and especially our BTEC, IFP and A level students are now all on the long road of aiming high and gearing up for the summer term. I encourage them to make the most of that quality teaching time and CCA clinics that are available to them. It is important they use all of the great resources DLD has to offer at this stage.
Kindest Regards
Lauren Moors
Assistant Principal (Academic)