5th December 22
I went to the InvestIn The Young Vet Programme on 27th November and I experienced and learnt lots of interesting things about becoming a Vet in the UK. Furthermore, there were current veterinarians so I could ask some questions about their experiences of training to become a vet.
I learnt how to apply and how to prepare for the exam and interview. It was quite complex, but it was really helpful for me. I also observed a consultation with an animal owner. They showed me how to deal with human clients who bring in your animal patients. They said there can be many challenging and trying aspects to this: dealing with clients who have not been properly caring for their animals, delivering bad news or even having to euthanise healthy pets due to the financial constraints of the treatment fees. So, I realized that communication skills are important as it allows me to navigate these challenges whilst demonstrating empathy and clarity to my clients. I learnt that vets are often forced to face up to some uncomfortable and challenging ethical issues and most of these issues are from finance problems which I unexpected. Before the event I thought that vets only need to treat animals but in reality, there are so many challenging issues apart from that.
Lastly, I learnt how to stitch. There are numerous types of sutures which differ by needle shape and size but I did the simplest surgical suture which was very interesting. I stitched a banana which took quite a lot of time compared to the teachers and my suture was not clean and it was kind of messy. This program gave me a lot of useful information and I was able to learn a lot. Thank you to DLD College London for organising this opportunity for me.
Joon A, Year 12 Student