11th June 21
The Lower School Prize Giving took place on Friday 28th May in the Theatre at DLD College London. This was an opportunity for the entire Lower School community to come together and celebrate the end of the school year and I am so proud of the positive attitude and resilience that our students have shown in this most challenging of years. Of course, for our Year 9 and 10 students they have now returned after half term in order to complete their progression exams and study the final weeks of their courses but for our Year 11 students we were saying goodbye as they have now completed their GCSEs. Most will be continuing their academic journey here at DLD College London, but it was a great opportunity to say farewell and good luck as they graduated out of the Lower School and onto new challenges within the Upper School.
I was delighted to welcome our Principal (Irfan) and Vice Principal (Academic) (Marie-Do) who presented certificates to students who had achieved high numbers of commendations across the academic year. Those commendations of course adding to the House points tally and helping either Westminster House or Marylebone House to win the House Cup (but more on this later).
My thanks to our House Captains (Michelle and Esli) who delivered impressive speeches at the event and gave excellent summaries of their time in the Lower School. They, along with the House Vice-Captains (Miya and Maria), have been instrumental in developing the community spirit of the Houses this year.
Congratulations to Aryan M who was presented with the Special Assistant Principal Award for his impressive resilience this year, spending most of it online but making huge academic progress and becoming an integral part of the Lower School Community. It really felt like he had always been here in physical format!
Congratulations also to Afa N who was awarded Year 9/10 Student of the Year and Vadim M who was awarded Year11 Student of the Year.
This year the House System was introduced into the Lower School for the first time and students in Westminster House and Marylebone House have been competing in class to be awarded House Points by their teachers and have engaged with the wide range of House Competitions in the hope of winning silverware for their Houses. It has been a hotly contested battle all year but, in the end, it was the mighty Marylebone who took away the most Silverware …. including the all-important House Cup with only 9 house points separating the two!
Academic Cup – Westminster
Art Cup – Marylebone
Sport – Marylebone
House Cup – Marylebone
A huge thankyou to all the Lower School Personal Tutors, Teachers and Boarding Staff who have contributed to the Lower School this year and good luck to all our Lower School Students in their future endeavours.
Gareth Evans, Assistant Principal (Lower School)