15th January 21
Welcome to the 100th edition of what is now known affectionately as FTP. Where has all the time gone and what has happened since the first issue back on Friday 5th January 2018? It seemed like only yesterday, in a wet and cold January, when I wrote my first FTP which talked about my hopes and aspirations for this fine institution. It would be a good opportunity to collectively reflect on what we have done here at DLD over the past three years, and I hope my weekly ruminations have kept you up to date with all that is going on in our award-winning school.
When we hopefully return after the February half term, we can enjoy being back (socially distanced of course) as a community, and celebrate all that is great about our school. From our award-winning pastoral care and boarding philosophy to our innovative approach to online learning. These are all well and good, but none of this is achievable without our outstanding staff, whose support, dedication, and patience have made DLD what it is today since it was established 90 years ago. And it is this commitment which shines through every decade, every year, every month and every single day – DLD remains a ‘beacon of hope’ for many.
I have been impressed at how staff (and governors) have adapted to the numerous changes introduced over the past three years, including those thrown up by the pandemic, to create an even more robust and forward-thinking school which will continue to stand the test of time. And this indeed is a testing time – pun intended!
I want to dedicate this 100th issue of FTP to our staff who continue to deliver whatever the weather.
Best wishes
Irfan Latif, Principal