The study of the past is fascinating in itself but it also puts the present into appropriate context.
The study of the past is fascinating in itself but it also puts the present into appropriate context. Indeed, the present cannot be properly understood without studying the past. The present is the product of processes, the actions of individuals and pure chance. Everything and everyone has a history and as such everything is a source with a story to tell. The trick lies in having the skills to analyse and interpret sources and to write a history based on one’s findings.
“He lives doubly who also enjoys the past” (Martial).
GCSE History covers a broad spectrum of modern history. The themes covered are: Germany 1918-1945, Superpower Relations 1945-1962, The Origins and Course of the First World War 1905-1918 and Changing Nature of Warfare 1936-2003.
GCSE History is assessed through two 1 hour 30 minute examinations, set and marked by Edexcel. There is no coursework in this subject.
The most important attribute in studying History is a good dose of enthusiasm. It is also important to enjoy writing and reading. The subject requires considerable amounts of both.