The River Thames outside DLD College London


Tia joined DLD College in September 2017 with an impressive array of GCSE results that marked her out as a student of considerable commitment and wide-ranging interests. Tia is a passionate advocate of increasing female participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, both in education and across society and industry. Tia delivered the final presentation that saw her team win Deutsche Bank’s Global Hackathon in 2018. Tia is an industrious programmer with considerable experience in coding: she was appointed as one of the first Digital Innovators at DLD.

Tia’s Extended Project on Artificial Intelligence explored conflicting arguments and misconceptions about the definition and application of this revolutionary technology; she drew upon insights gained when work-shadowing at Goldman Sachs’ Technology Division. Tia is keen to see how AI and robotics will revolutionise healthcare in the years to come.

Tia has served as joint Head of Year of the Student Council, in which capacity she spoke on behalf of graduates at the Graduation Ceremony at the Houses of Parliament in June 2019. A resident of London, Tia was able to represent student interests from the viewpoint of a day student, seeking to integrate the academic and pastoral communities, and encouraging others to participate in super curricular activities of all kinds, particularly sport. A keen athlete, Tia has raised money for the Evelina Childrens’ Hospital in running events, and she is the Senior Coxwain of her local rowing team. As a young woman who is passionate about the benefits of emerging technologies, and committed to community, health, and collaboration, Tia is an ideal representative of our values at DLD College. We know that she has an extremely promising future ahead!

“I’m so grateful for my past two years at DLD College and the people I’ve met along the way, the memories made and the continuous support from staff – thank you!”

Computer Science A
History B
Mathematics C