A-Level courses are advanced level courses in which one has to study 3 or 4 A-Level subjects and secure high grades to enter into a university. Completing A-Level subjects is the most recognized qualification set by all the universities at UK to pursue a degree. Moreover A-Level courses are globally accepted in other countries also to continue higher studies.
Students study A-Level subjects not only for higher studies but also for doing further research or for training or for enhancing their career.
Selecting the right A-Level subjects will decide what degree course one can enrol in the university. Therefore depending upon the chosen A-Level subjects only, the future career is going to be decided. Selecting A-Level subjects in a random manner will not satisfy the criteria stated by the universities and therefore the students may face the problem of not able to join a degree of their own interest.
During a country wide survey conducted among students applying for university, 28% of students declared that they wish, they could have taken some other A-Level subjects and 41% stated that they should have given more thought to select the right A-Level subjects. Hence to avoid last minute doubts and difficulties one should take more time and thought to pick up the appropriate A-Level subjects.
Yes, A-Level subjects are indeed hard, because you have to specialize the core subjects required to join a degree course. They are advanced level courses which are highly challenging. Moreover, one has to secure high grades to enter into a university. Therefore a student has to be organized, plan the time and schedule to study all the A-Level subjects. A systematic and consistent preparation is needed than studying at the last minute before the exams.
As per the norms of a university, it is enough if the student completes 3 of the appropriate A-Level subjects with high grades. But studying the 4th A-Level subject, is always an advantage, since the students have an open choice to study another degree if they could not get admission for their desired course. Apart from this, studying 4th A-Level subject proves the additional capability of the student and academic calibre.
Top most universities like Oxford and Cambridge expect the students to qualify in 4 A-Level subjects with high grades to pursue medicine. Maybe 2 A-Level subjects are from pure Science, third from Maths and fourth one could be Physics, Psychology or any other relevant subject. The student should take time to know what are the A-Level subjects to be avoided to pursue Medicine.
Most prestigious universities expect the students to secure a minimum of A*Grade in 2 of the required A-Level subjects and A Grade in the other 2 A-Level subjects. Anyhow we should remember scoring 3 A* grades and 1 A grade is also enough in some of the universities. The next level universities admit the students if they have scored A* or A grades in 3 of the A-Level subjects and B grade in the 4th A-Level subject.
Furthermore the students have to achieve a high UCAS score for entering into a university, which is calculated from the grades they have scored in the A-Level subjects they have studied.
Some of the most popular and wanted A-Level subjects among students are Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, History, Psychology, English Literature and Physics. Most of the students opt for the above subjects because it is easy to enrol in a degree course in a university if they choose the right combination of the above subjects.
The hardest A-Level subjects to study are furnished in order from a survey among the students. They are Modern Foreign Languages, Further Maths, History, Physics, English Literature, Chemistry, Maths and Psychology. Students feel that it is very hard to get good grades in these subjects. Unless they make a timetable to prepare A-Level subjects periodically, it is very difficult to qualify in these subjects.
Facilitating A-Level subjects are main subjects which are generally required for entry into a university, irrespective of the degree course the students are applying for. Opting for facilitating subjects is a great advantage because the choice of degree options are open. It is advisable to select any two of these facilitating A-Level subjects to have a flexibility of courses.
The facilitating A-Level subjects are Biology, Chemistry, English, Geography, History, Mathematics, Modern and Classical Languages and Physics.
A– Level Subjects should be so selected, such that it provides more flexibility to join courses as per our interest in the university. A– Level Subjects can be assorted into different categories based on the facilitating subjects.
Facilitating Sciences :
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Human Biology, Maths and Further Maths.
Facilitating Humanities:
English, History, Geography and Languages.
Non-Facilitating but worthy Subjects:
Art, Economics, Government & Politics, Music, Philosophy and Psychology.
“Mickey Mouse” Subjects:
Media Studies, Film Studies and photography.
Two Facilitating Sciences, Two Facilitating Humanities:
Choose 2 Sciences and 2 Arts in the A– Level Subjects
Two Facilitating Sciences, One Facilitating Humanities, One Odd Subject:
Select 2 Sciences, one basic Arts and one odd subject in A- Level Subjects.
Maths, Two Facilitating Humanities, One Odd Subject:
Pick up Maths, Economics, one Arts and one Subject of Interest in the A- Level Subjects. If the student makes the appropriate combination of the facilitating subjects it is relatively easy for them to opt for their second choice in the event of them not getting their first choice degree course.
Let us see some of the requirements for important courses.
What A-Level subjects should be selected for Medicine?
Students who want to pursue Medicine can choose A-Level subjects, Chemistry and Biology as the first two subjects. The third A-Level subject could be Maths and the fourth A-Level subject could be either Physics or Psychology. They should be careful not to overlap the same content subjects like Maths and Further Maths and also Biology and Human Biology.
Moreover well renowned and prestigious universities expect the students to score 3 A* Grades in the first three A-Level subjects and one A Grade in the fourth A-Level subject. Hence studying Medicine requires hard work and consistent preparation to achieve higher grades.
What A-Level subjects should be selected for Engineering?
Select Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Further Maths or Computer Science in the A- Level Subjects to do Engineering. Apart from this one should score a minimum of 2 A* grades and 2 A grades in the 4 A- Level Subjects to apply for top and renowned universities.
What are the A- Level Subjects to be chosen for Architecture?
Students who want to pursue a degree in Architecture should select A-Level Subjects Maths, Physics, Technology and any other Science subject with minimum 2 A* grades. Apart from these subjects, 3-D imagination and Creative Thinking is also required from the student to excel in the course. A well prestigious university has stated that the student should furnish a comprehensive portfolio of Creative Work during the interview as an important criteria for getting admission.
In conclusion, the students should certainly study the criteria and carefully select the A- Level Subjects to realize their dream.